The environment, socio-economic and helminthiases infection in the mekong delta region

The study was conducted at 6 sites of 3 provinces in the Mekong Delta region from June 2017 - December 2017 by collecting samples, surveying K.A.P and laboratory tests. The objective of the study was: Determine the prevalence of helminths in the environment, human and socio-economic factors related to helminth infections in the study region.

A total of 1,402 fecal samples and 2,002 human blood samples (< 2 years old);126 soil samples, 120 water samples, 61 vegetable samples;600 K.A.P were collected, investigated and tested. The results showed that:The prevalence of helminths in fecal samples was 5.71% (80 / 2.402) and 80.27% (1,607 / 2002) blood samples had antibodies against helminth antigen;the prevalence of helminths in soil samples was 3.17% (4/126), vegetable samples 24.59% (15/61), water samples 0.00% (0/120);determined some socio-economic factors related to helminth infections of human in the Meekong Delta region.

Key words: helminths infection, environment, socio-economic, Mekong delta.


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